
Development VM on QEMU Arch Linux Host


To isolate my development dependencies from my host system, I want to run a VM locally. I'd like to use QEMU for virtualization as it's simple and performant.

I install qemu-headless so that I have QEMU present without the GUI. I installed edk2-ovmf to enable UEFI support for virtual machines.

sudo pacman -S qemu-headless edk2-ovmf

I create an image to use as the backing storage for the VM. I use raw as the format for performance and because I don't care about snapshot functionality right now. I preallocate the image to ensure I don't run out of space on my host machine unexpectedly in the future. Preallocating should also give better performance, but I haven't tested this.

qemu-img create -f raw -o preallocation=full ~/var/qemu/work-development.img 40G

To install the OS (Arch Linux) I download the ISO. Then, I make a copy of the non-volatile variable store for the virtual machine. Then, I launch QEMU with the ISO and backing storage attached.

cp /usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_VARS.fd ~/var/qemu/work-development-uefi-vars.fd
qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom ~/Downloads/archlinux-2020.11.01-x86_64.iso -boot order=d\
    -drive if=virtio,file=$HOME/var/qemu/work-development.img,format=raw\
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd\
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=$HOME/var/qemu/work-development-uefi-vars.fd

Note that we use if=virtio for the backing image because we want to use the paravirtualized virtio drivers, which provide better performance and overhead. Note the $HOME in place of ~ above. This is because for some reason QEMU gives the following error when using ~ with a -drive specified with an -if=... directive:

Could not open '~/var/qemu/work-development-uefi-vars.fd': No such file or directory

QEMU helpfully starts a local VNC server for us to connect to.

VNC server running on ::1:5900

I installed tigervnc and connected to the VNC server.

sudo pacman -S tigervnc
vncviewer :5900

It turned out that the system had too little memory to boot, so I needed to re-launch it with more memory. Kernel Panic: System is deadlocked on memory

qemu-system-x86_64 -cdrom ~/Downloads/archlinux-2020.11.01-x86_64.iso -boot order=d\
    -drive if=virtio,file=$HOME/var/qemu/work-development.img,format=raw\
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd\
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=$HOME/var/qemu/work-development-uefi-vars.fd\
    -m 2G
vncviewer :5900

If you enter fullscreen mode in VNC and have trouble exiting, press F8 to open the context menu. You should be able to disable fullscreen from there.

Once the machine booted, I verified that my network interface was listed and enabled.

ip link

I tested that I had a working internet connection.


I ensured that the EFI vars were available:

efivar -l

I updated the system clock.

timedatectl set-ntp true

I partitioned the disk after identifying it with lsblk. I didn't want to get fancy, so I chose gpt as the label type and created two partitions: boot and root. The boot partition was 512M in size with partition type code ef00 (EFI system partition) and label boot and the root partition took up the remainder of the free space (~39.5G) with partition type code 8600 (Linux filesystem) and label root. I didn't create a swap partition.

cgdisk /dev/vda

I formatted the newly created partitions.

mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/vda1
mkfs.ext4 /dev/vda2

I mounted the root volume to /mnt and the boot volume to /mnt/boot.

mount /dev/vda2 /mnt
mkdir /mnt/boot
mount /dev/vda1 /mnt/boot

I used reflector to select the fastest, most recently updated mirrors.

pacman -Sy reflector
reflector --age 12 --protocol https --sort rate --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist

I used pacstrap to install the base system.

pacstrap /mnt base base-devel linux linux-firmware vim intel-ucode

I generated an fstab file.

genfstab -U /mnt >> /mnt/etc/fstab

I changed root into the new system.

arch-chroot /mnt

Within the chroot, I selected my time zone and ran hwclock to generate /etc/adjtime.

ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/Canada/Eastern /etc/localtime
hwclock --systohc

I edited my /etc/locale.gen and uncommented en_CA.UTF-8 UTF-8 to enable my locale. I then generated the locales.

vim /etc/locale.gen

I created the locale.conf file and set the LANG variable.

echo "LANG=en_CA.UTF-8" > /etc/locale.conf

I created a hostname file and added matching entries to hosts.

echo hephaestus > /etc/hostname
echo " hephaestus" > /etc/hosts

I set the root password:


I installed systemd-boot as my bootloader:

bootctl install

I configured systemd-boot by creating a /boot/loader/entries/arch.conf file with the contents:

title   Arch Linux
linux   /vmlinuz-linux
initrd  /intel-ucode.img
initrd  /initramfs-linux.img
options root="UUID=..." rw

I also created a /boot/loader/loader.conf file with the contents:

default      arch.conf
console-mode max

I left the chroot, unmounted the partitions, and rebooted the machine.

umount -R /mnt

I confirmed that I successfully booted into my new Arch Linux install, then I shutdown the VM. I wanted to add some performance improvements. First, I had to switch from using DHCP on my interface to a DHCP created on a bridge. I removed my /etc/systemd/network/ file and replaced it with the files /etc/systemd/network/10-br0-interface.netdev:





and /etc/systemd/network/




I restarted systemd-networkd and made sure I still had internet access:

sudo systemctl restart systemd-networkd

I wanted to use the qemu-bridge-helper to create a tap device for me, so that my guest could talk to the external network directly. To do so, I added an ACL file telling QEMU that the br0 interface should be whitelisted:

sudo mkdir /etc/qemu
echo "allow br0" | sudo tee -a /etc/qemu/bridge.conf
sudo chown root:kvm /etc/qemu/bridge.conf
sudo chmod 0640 /etc/qemu/bridge.conf

Then, I added my user to the kvm group:

sudo usermod -a -G kvm indiv0

Now, QEMU would automatically configure the bridge for me if I launched it with the arguments -net nic -net bridge,br=br0 but the guest would not be able to connect to the network, because the firewall was still blocking all traffic. To solve this, I configured iptables to allow all traffic to be forwarded across the bridge:

sudo iptables -I FORWARD -m physdev --physdev-is-bridged -j ACCEPT

Next, I started my VM with extra options for improved performance.

    -cpu host\
    -smp $(nproc)\
    -device virtio-balloon\
    -net nic,model=virtio -net bridge,br=br0\
    -drive if=virtio,file=$HOME/var/qemu/work-development.img,format=raw,aio=native,cache=none\
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,readonly,file=/usr/share/edk2-ovmf/x64/OVMF_CODE.fd\
    -drive if=pflash,format=raw,file=$HOME/var/qemu/work-development-uefi-vars.fd\
    -m 16G

Inside the VM I added a /etc/systemd/network/ to connect the VM to my external network:




Then I enabled and started the systemd-networkd and systemd-resolved services:

systemctl start systemd-networkd
systemctl enable systemd-networkd
systemctl start systemd-resolved
systemctl enable systemd-resolved

I also needed to replace the default resolv.conf with the systemd one.

rm /etc/resolv.conf
ln -s /usr/lib/systemd/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

I added my user to the machine:

useradd -m npekin
passwd npekin

Add the new user to the sudoers:

EDITOR=vim visudo

I installed openssh and enabled the sshd service so that I could connect to the VM over SSH instead of over VNC:

pacman -S openssh
systemctl start sshd
systemctl enable sshd

From the host I connected to the VM via SSH and copied over my key:

ssh-copy-id npekin@hephaestus
ssh npekin@hephaestus

I generated a new SSH key on the VM and uploaded it to my GitHub account. I then installed git and cloned my dotfiles repo. Using my dotfiles bootstrap script, I installed the necessary packages onto the machine.

ssh-keygen -t ed25519
sudo pacman -S git
git clone etc
cd etc

I modified the /etc/ssh/sshd_config to allow X11 forwarding by setting X11Forwarding to yes:

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
sudo systemctl restart sshd

This allows to me SSH into the VM with X11 forwarding enabled and launch graphical applications:

ssh -X hephaestus